Education in India

Since long, the setback of the education system has been discussed at various times. In India, education is often seen as the means for climbing the social and economic ladder. The education system is not progressing, not due to lack of demand for good education. But, certain intrinsic factors are contributing to the failure of education system in India. The systematic faults herein do not let the demand for good education transform into an excellent marketplace with exceptional educational services.

The general education system is basically built from an examination point of view. Delving deep into the relevant subject area has not yet been implemented in our system. The target is focused onto examinations rather than to gain knowledge, or do research on the subject. Retention power is being checked constantly with the examinations lining up. Students need to be more motivational towards taking up research of a particular topic. This will ensure a depth in the knowledge rather than just a shallow learning. Focusing on skill based education is the need of the hour. If a person is taught a skill, we enable him for a lifetime. Knowledge is largely forgotten by the majority lot after examinations are over.  Still, year after year Indian students focus on cramming information. The best crammers are rewarded by the system. This is one of the fundamental flaws of our education system.

The system is still a colonial education system geared towards generating babus under the newly acquired skin of modernity. The enormous number of engineering graduates that pass out every year has not translated into much technological innovation here. Rather, a handful of them ends up running the call centers for the rest of the world. The goal of our new education system should be to create entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, scientists, thinkers and writers who can establish the foundation of the knowledge based economy rather than the low-quality service provider nation that we are turning into.

Of course, India has made progress in terms of increasing the primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately three-quarters of the population. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is the apex body for curriculum related matters for school education in India. The NCERT provides support and technical assistance to a number of schools in India and oversees many aspects of enforcement of education policies. But, is this sufficient? Should we not ponder over personalizing education according to a child’s need? After all, one size does not fit all.

 Indian education system is trying to get the best education facilities in every school now. The various surveys are conducting in order to make learning more easily than before. Nowadays every school trying to provide smart E- learning classes to the students. Various online education portals are enhancing the education by providing free study material to students. There is a website that provided free competitive exam Like NEET, IIT etc. Now one can download NEET paper pattern 2016 in Gujarati language and get exam ready. A student can download previous year NEET exam paper for practice. This type of information helps a lot to the students who are preparing for the competitive exams. 


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